About Us

United Kingdom
Couple of retirees who really enjoy travel - particularly roadtrips to the deserts and prairies. We suspect we must be nomads as characterised by Richard Grant as RV resident retiree nomads in his book "Ghost Riders"

Chep and Jen "On Tour"

Chep and Jen "On Tour"
Raffles Hotel Bar, with Singapore Sling and Beer

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Day 2 - A quiet day to start

After an excellent breakfast, set off back to Mesa to get some money out of our bank, and then continued on our way East along the 60. Stopped off at a supermarket to get some cold drinks for the journey (it was 99 degF and rising). Passed through Globe - where we remember staying overnight in 1998 on our first ever road trip - and continued on the 60, a very scenic route, especially around Salt River Canyon (see photo). (I love seeing all the tall sunflowers growing at the roadside, if only they would flourish as well in my garden!) Turned off onto the 73 which took us through the Apache Reservation area passing Fort Apache, Whiteriver and the Apache Tribal Headquarters taking us eventually to Eagar/Springerville. Have just checked into El Jo Motel - clean, comfortable and cheap. The restaurant next door has a Fish Fry on tonight (Friday), so we may end up there. I see the weather channel are forecasting an overnight low of 57 degF for this area - a bit different to last night which was a low of 79 degF in Apache Junction. Don't know what height Eagar is, but just before we came into town we passed a sign saying we were at 7,000-odd feet. Clive is still breathing!

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