About Us

United Kingdom
Couple of retirees who really enjoy travel - particularly roadtrips to the deserts and prairies. We suspect we must be nomads as characterised by Richard Grant as RV resident retiree nomads in his book "Ghost Riders"

Chep and Jen "On Tour"

Chep and Jen "On Tour"
Raffles Hotel Bar, with Singapore Sling and Beer

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 14 - Ridin' the Rails

Today we spent the day riding to Silverton and back on the Durango and Silverton narrow gauge railway. http://www.durangotrain.com/multimedia/video.htm
We set off at 9 a.m. Photo 6 shows one of the two engines before we set off, and photo 7 shows the inside of our carriage on the way up - the back of Jenny's head can just be spotted on the left hand side.

Photo 5 shows a rainbow which formed when the engine driver let off steam, which seems to be a party trick of his. (I apologise for the strange order of the photos, but I just can't get them in the right order)
After three and a half hours riding through stunning and at times hair-raising scenery, we arrived in Silverton. Definitely get the impression that at this time of year the arrival of the train is a major highlight of the day.
We walked up and down main street, called in at a bar for a bite to eat and a pint. We happened to walk past a funnel cake shop and couldn't resist. Photo 1 shows a funnel cake to die for!
Just before return departure, a kind gentleman took a picture of two poseurs in front of the engine which would take us back.
Photo 3 is a picture of the Animas river gorge, and photo 4 gives a view looking back showing the length of the train and the cliff face we were travelling along. We eventually arrived back at 6.15 p.m., numb of rear and in need of a large cup of tea. It was a great day out through wonderful scenery once again. Haven't decided where to go tomorrow yet, watch this space.

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