About Us

United Kingdom
Couple of retirees who really enjoy travel - particularly roadtrips to the deserts and prairies. We suspect we must be nomads as characterised by Richard Grant as RV resident retiree nomads in his book "Ghost Riders"

Chep and Jen "On Tour"

Chep and Jen "On Tour"
Raffles Hotel Bar, with Singapore Sling and Beer

Monday, June 04, 2007

It rained!!! - Mon 4 June 2007

They forecast rain today, and boy didn't it rain?
We followed the I93 through (under) Boston then took the coast road Route 3A. It was a pity about the weather because it looked to be really attractive scenery, but we couldn't see a lot through the mist and the rain.
It was so bad that although we were meant to be following the 3A South (sea on the left all the time) Jenny pointed out the breakers on the right!! Didn't think much of it until we came to a dead end in Hull. Look up Hull, MA on Mapquest and you will see how far we were out!!

So we corrected ourselves, carried on South, stopped for a Clam Chowder and a coffee and ended up in Hyannis on Cape Cod.
We are expecting some improvement in the weather tomorrow and are looking forward to some great sight-seeing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keeping tabs on you two - great pictures! Looking forward to seeing you both.