About Us

United Kingdom
Couple of retirees who really enjoy travel - particularly roadtrips to the deserts and prairies. We suspect we must be nomads as characterised by Richard Grant as RV resident retiree nomads in his book "Ghost Riders"

Chep and Jen "On Tour"

Chep and Jen "On Tour"
Raffles Hotel Bar, with Singapore Sling and Beer

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Day 24 - Pueblos and Flagstaff

Left Gallup on another beautiful morning and travelled East on the 264 (scenic byway again); expansive views, distant cliffs, desert/scrub and the open road with little traffic. Stopped for petrol (and coffee as always) at Window Rock on the border of New Mexico and Arizona. Didn't stop again till Tuba City, 154 miles of virtually empty roads. After a Subway in Tuba City, we set off South towards Flagstaff . Calling in on the way at Wupatki National Monument where there are several pueblos in various states of dereliction - the photo shows the best preserved one which was inhabited in the 1200s. We are overnighting in Flagstaff. Apparently there is some big football game or some such on locally this weekend so we ended up paying the most we have on this trip for a motel.

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