About Us

United Kingdom
Couple of retirees who really enjoy travel - particularly roadtrips to the deserts and prairies. We suspect we must be nomads as characterised by Richard Grant as RV resident retiree nomads in his book "Ghost Riders"

Chep and Jen "On Tour"

Chep and Jen "On Tour"
Raffles Hotel Bar, with Singapore Sling and Beer

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Day 28 - Back to Phoenix

Last evening at the Mexican restaurant was good food-wise and also as there was football (soccer) on the TV there. Didn't see any European, but did see the results; we watched a team from Mexico v Houston, it was a draw 4-4.
After an excellent hot breakfast at the Best W., we set off East on the 69 to the Interstate 17, stopping off for petrol and free coffee this time. Arrived in Phoenix early afternoon and went to a mall for last-minute shopping and a Cinnabon - you've just got to have one before going home! Shopping done, we made our way to our motel, via a carwash, for our last night here. Temperature's currently around 104 degF, and we are both melting away. We have been in our room about half an hour and so far two trains have passed - tooting - about 100 yards away; once again we failed to notice the proximity of a railway line, you've got to laugh... :-)

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Day 27 - To Prescott

Left Lake Havasu City and headed South. After yesterday's high of 107 degF through the Black Mountains, it was a cool 93 degF morning! We crossed the Colorado river/Lake Havasu at the Parker Dam, see photo. Unfortunately they no longer allow tours of the dam, probably as a result of 9/11, so we crossed back from the California side to Arizona and continued on our way. After Parker itself, we turned SE towards the junction at Hope. (Must be nice to always live in Hope :-) ) Now on the 60 road, we went up and down over a few passes between the Harcuvar and the Harquala Mountains. Good views all around. Turned off NE to Prescott, parked there and had a look round the town square which seemed to have plenty of bars/saloons; one side of the street used to be known as Whiskey Row. We spent time here in a bar ten years ago, but didn't do so today. Went to a mall just outside town and Clive bought some sweatshirts at Old Navy. We later checked into our motel; we shall be eating here tonight as they have a Mexican restaurant in the place. Clive has already discovered that they serve a Mexican beer that he has a liking for (Dos Equus or something like that).

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Day 26 - Route 66

Today we travelled all day on the old Route 66 from Williams to Golden Shores, eventually leaving it to complete our day in Lake Havasu City.

Much of the route was practically deserted. First stop was in Kingman at Mr D'z Route 66 Diner for Brunch http://flickr.com/photos/97705796@N00/2727567233/

Continued on Route 66 over the Sitgreaves Pass (photo 1) in The Black Mountains not very high at 3652ft but quite rugged http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR3LLLeKT98 (that's me riding pillion NOT). Eventually got down the other side to Oatman which seems to be overrun by wild burros http://www.theroadwanderer.net/RT66oatman.htm

We eventually finished up in Lake Havasu City taking photos of London Bridge (photo 2) in a temp of 107F, before escaping to the air-conditioning in our Motel.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Day 25 - Grand Canyon

After checking out, we drove North to the Grand Canyon (South Rim). The place was really busy. We went on the shuttle bus within the park and then did a short hike along the rim, 1.3 miles. The first photo shows people standing on Mather Point, giving a good idea of the scale. Photo 2 shows Jenny admiring another view into the canyon from the canyon rim trail. Picture 3 was taken here and is for Flo Hewitt who likes these aster flowers, which grow everywhere by the side of the road and beyond in all the states we have visited this time - they grow like weeds here. Photo 4 shows intrepid hikers on South Kaibab trail; the picture is greatly zoomed, even so we can't tell if they are on their way down or up. We left the Grand Canyon after our walk and just as it looked like a thunderstorm might be brewing. Drove South to Williams on old Route 66, where we stopped for coffee and home-made pie at Pine Country Restaurant - you would not believe the size of the pie portions, neither one of us could finish them, something new for Jenny and worth marking on the calendar. It will be a day she will be able to remember as it is also a friend's birthday. (She'll be toasting Noreen tonight, possibly with a margarita.) We are staying tonight in Williams.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Day 24 - Pueblos and Flagstaff

Left Gallup on another beautiful morning and travelled East on the 264 (scenic byway again); expansive views, distant cliffs, desert/scrub and the open road with little traffic. Stopped for petrol (and coffee as always) at Window Rock on the border of New Mexico and Arizona. Didn't stop again till Tuba City, 154 miles of virtually empty roads. After a Subway in Tuba City, we set off South towards Flagstaff . Calling in on the way at Wupatki National Monument where there are several pueblos in various states of dereliction - the photo shows the best preserved one which was inhabited in the 1200s. We are overnighting in Flagstaff. Apparently there is some big football game or some such on locally this weekend so we ended up paying the most we have on this trip for a motel.