About Us

United Kingdom
Couple of retirees who really enjoy travel - particularly roadtrips to the deserts and prairies. We suspect we must be nomads as characterised by Richard Grant as RV resident retiree nomads in his book "Ghost Riders"

Chep and Jen "On Tour"

Chep and Jen "On Tour"
Raffles Hotel Bar, with Singapore Sling and Beer

Friday, May 25, 2007

Lakes to Locks Scenic Byway Fri 25th May 2007

The plan today was to take the Lakes to Locks scenic byway which follows the Hudson and then the western shore of Lake Champlain in NY. First stop was a detour to Granville to visit the Slate Valley Museum www.slatevalleymuseum.org . The slate soil heaps here are very reminiscent of North Wales. Unfortunately, it didn't open before 1-00pm so we missed that. Silly us - we had just assumed it would have opened in the morning. Never mind it was a fairly pleasant detour.

Then up Lake Champlain to Ticonderoga where the Ticoneroga Heritage Museum was open ( http://mysite.verizon.net/unclefvp/indexti.html ) In fact we were the first to sign the Visitors Book this season. The area seems to have quite a strong historical French influence. Pictured are the falls at Ticonderoga

Continued up the lakeshore to Essex, where we took the Car Ferry over to Charlotte, VT. A very pleasant 20 min. trip. Pictured is the ferry leaving Essex, VT

We are staying overnight in Burlington, VT. So now we are in New England at last.

Aother hot (upper 80's) day in the sun.

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