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United Kingdom
Couple of retirees who really enjoy travel - particularly roadtrips to the deserts and prairies. We suspect we must be nomads as characterised by Richard Grant as RV resident retiree nomads in his book "Ghost Riders"

Chep and Jen "On Tour"

Chep and Jen "On Tour"
Raffles Hotel Bar, with Singapore Sling and Beer

Monday, October 10, 2005

Update from Sacramento

Thurs 6th Oct

After staying at a motel on the seafront at Seaside, called into the local library to catch up on emails, then set off down the coast again. Weather was getting less and less foggy, so there were better and better views as we went down the coast. Looked in at a few beaches down the coast, mostly misty though. Stopped at Tillamook cheese factory, tasted a few cheeses, saw cheese being cut and packed, bought some cheese, cheese spread and crackers in the gift shop. However, didn't see any being made - aparently it's all done in sealed containers these days. Went off the 101 to Sand Lake and joined again at Pacific City where we had good clam chowder at Pelican Pub and Brewery. On to Lincoln City. We stayed overnight, had a few drinks in a local bar, Maxwell's, met a couple from Vancouver WA. Tried to contact friend from Reston Garden Club who has a summer home in Lincoln City, but she is back in Julian CA.

Friday 7th Oct.
Continued down the coast, beautiful views, some lovely beaches. I think the coastline here is even more attractive than the LA to SF coast. During the afternoon, we paid a visit to Shore Acres State Park Botanical Gardens, www.shoreacres.net . It made a nice break; the gardens were not extensive, but very pleasant, and with good sea views again. We left the 101 briefly to go to the westernmost point of the lower 48 states. We ended our day at Crescent City CA, where we had stopped once before - at the same motel too. During the evening we tried to find a restaurant where we had dined the last time, but failed to find it at the end of a pier/harbour. However, I think I spotted it from the car as we were leaving the next morning!

Saturday 8th Oct.
Carried on down the US101 down the coast, then turned inland on US299 and followed the Trinity River through the mountains. A very attractive and scenic drive, lots of fishermen up to their armpits in the river. We also saw one canoeist going down, looked good fun. We stopped for a drink and a bite in Weaverville www.weavervilleinfo.com . Nice little place; there was a Quilt Show going on at the time and the main street was festooned with quilts. Weather was quite a lot warmer than it had been on the coast. Continued East on the 299 and stayed overnight at Red Bluff on the I5.

Sunday 9th Oct
Left Red Bluff and headed down to Napa Valley. Finally managed to get to a winery, Beringer, and tasted three wines. www.beringer.com The designated driver had nothing to drink, of course! Hard luck, Clive. We didn't manage to get a tour round the winery as the next tour was fully booked already. We didn't want to hang around, so that is saved for another trip. Carried on to Sacramento where we overnighted. Currently paying $3.25 for Gas

Monday 10th Oct.
Spent the day, after a quick visit to Jiffylube for an oil change, in Sacramento. Visited the Old Town, quaint and interesting, and also the Caliornia State Railroad Museum www.californiastaterailroadmuseum.org
Again, very interesting. Unfortunately couldn't take a ride on a train as it was out of season. Went round the State Capitol, didn't see Arnie. Ended the day heading East on US50, staying overnight at Placerville, CA, Gold Country Inn, very close to the first find of the California Gold Rush in 1848.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im sooo glad you got to go to a winery Jenny, thanks Clive! Napa Valley is favorite of mine. Which route are you taking to come back across the states? Southern?

Good travels...
Take Care,